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AUTHOR :Ewriting Champs

CATEGORY :SOP Writing Service

Are Statement of Purpose and Letter of Motivation Same?

When filling out your application, you will come across the university's requirements for supporting documents, such as writing a statement of Purpose (SOP), CV, letters of recommendation, and a motivation letter. Generally, the common need is the SOP or motivation letter, which varies for every university's criteria and necessitates less or more information. But where do the differences lie? Let's be clear with both the terms and their format first.

What is a statement of Purpose?

A statement of Purpose (SOP), also called a personal statement sometimes, is an actual application of 500-1000 words for undergraduate or postgraduate courses that informs the admission committee about who you are, your academic and professional background, and what you will contribute to the course.

Statement of purpose format:

First paragraph:

  • Begin your statement of Purpose with an anecdote or quote that sheds light on the motivation behind choosing that field.
  • Keep the intro brief.

 Second paragraph:

  • In the second paragraph, the statement of purpose format should include the academic background, accomplishments, and extracurricular activities.
  • Divide it into small sections for efficient reading.

Third paragraph:

  • The third paragraph revolves around your professional experience and how it inspired you toward the intended course.

Fourth paragraph:

  • This paragraph is crucial as it covers your reasons for choosing the course and why you are a proper fit for the course. 
  • State the modules from the course that piques your curiosity, course outcomes, and career goals.

Fifth paragraph:

  • Now, mention the reasons behind opting for that particular university, like tuition fees, ranking, facilities, and professors.

Sixth paragraph:

  • After that, you must include reasons for choosing that specific country. If you are not clear, refer to the statement of purpose sample.


  • The last paragraph must incorporate the gist of the course's importance to you. 

What is a motivational letter?

A motivational letter is a one-page letter consisting of 500-700 words that illustrates why you are the best candidate for the particular course. It is generally appended with your resume.

Drafting a unique motivational letter can give an edge to your resume and crisply showcase your profile.

Motivation letter format:

Making an apt motivation letter demands an accurate plan and structure. Let's go through five simple steps to keep in mind:

1. Pen down an outline

Before heading over to write a motivation letter sample, it is imperative to contemplate your primary reason for applying to a university. Research in-depth about the program and university. 

Then, instigate making a rough outline of the significant points to add to your motivation letter sample.

The outline should comprise the following aspects:

  • Why are you willing to study the course?
  • From which qualities or skills will the university benefit?
  • Why are you choosing this university?

2. Draft an introduction

Write a small intro about yourself. Address your receiver's name for a personal touch to your motivation letter. In case you don't know the name, you can keep it as "Respected Sir/Madam." Your intro should be so intriguing that it hooks the recipient's attention. It must contain details about your accomplishments and why the course interests you.

3. Explain your outline

Elaborate on the points stated in the outline to write the body part of your motivation letter. In this paragraph, you can express how you are an apt candidate by addressing your prior work experience and skills. Make sure to add strong reasons to persuade the recipient.

 4. Write a conclusion

It is crucial to write a conclusion for your motivation letter that sums up your goals and makes a positive impression on the reader. Also, you must be grateful to them for reviewing your application and ask them to reach out to you for any queries.

5. Proofread

Proofread your motivation letter sample to sound more professional and leave no room for mistakes—additionally, correct grammatical and spelling blunders. Remove already stated info listed in your CV(curriculum vitae) or application form so that your motivation letter has only essential information.

SOP vs Motivation Letter

Many of you might be wondering about the differences between an SOP and a motivation letter. Usually, both documents are drafted to seek admission to any global institute and state your background and reasons for selecting the course. These documents might sound quite similar, but they carry different purposes to address diverse messages.

The motivation letter emphasizes your goals, notably how your presence in the university will boost your skills and professional experience. Mostly, European universities require a motivation letter for graduates and doctorate students.

Nevertheless, a statement of Purpose integrates all the above points but also has your past academics, grades, work experience, internships, and other activities. 

The in-detailed difference between a statement of Purpose and a motivation letter is as follows:

Statement of Purpose

Motivation Letter

1. It is a generalized statement.

1. It is a specific statement.

2. The motive is to get an idea of your background and accomplishments.

2. The rationale is to get a purpose statement to discover the eligibility to study advanced courses.

3. The word limit ranges from 500 to 1000 words.

3. The word limit ranges from 500 to 700 words.

4. Some info might not be relatable to the course.

4. No info should be irrelevant to the program.

5. SOP is like a personal Interview.

5. Motivation letter is part of an interview but an extensive one.

6. SOP covers your background and skills, choice of course and university, and career prospects.

6. Motivation letter constitutes things that you will contribute to the program with your capabilities or work experience related to the program.

Final Takeaway

A statement of Purpose is a lengthy composition of your profile, whereas a motivation letter is a crisp manner of what you will bring to the university. However, it is obligatory to follow both formats or, as given by the university, to make it impressive and get admission for your opted course.

If you are facing difficulty making an SOP or motivation letter, you must contact E-writing champs. Our writers are pretty experienced in drafting convincing documents, which will certainly confirm your admission to your dream university. You can also refer to our motivation letter example or SOP sample to obtain a clear-cut idea of our work. Contact us today.


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